Friday, November 6, 2009

Do you own a pair of rain boots or a rain coat?

I've got both, very helpful for my frequent slogs through mud clearing roads and ditches

Do you own a pair of rain boots or a rain coat?
rain coat only for taking walks in the rain!!
Reply:No, but I have winter boots, and a winter jacket!
Reply:nope... just umbrellas
Reply:No. I just wear a hoodie and gloves.
Reply:I have a rain coat, but not rain boots
Reply:I just recently had to buy rain boots, but I prefere an umbrella to a rain coat.
Reply:just a box of trojans x-large
Reply:Nope, neither ! (Doesnt rain much here so...)
Reply:no neither
Reply:I have a rain coat because it rains like every day in Florida
Reply:rain boots. not a rain coat.
Reply:No I don't own either.
Reply:No, but I remember having a bright lime green rain jacket that I always ran around in when I was really little....ahhhh memories :)
Reply:No, I'm not a homosexual.
Reply:Nope... Never have.... I just use an umbrella....
Reply:rain coat - yes, rain boots - no

accessories belts

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