Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Have Polka Dot Rain Boots But I don't Know What To Wear With THem Any Suggestions?

What colors are the polka dots?? You could wear the rain boots with skinny jeans. (Tuck the skinny jeans into the boots)

Good Luck!


I Have Polka Dot Rain Boots But I don't Know What To Wear With THem Any Suggestions?
I wouldn't personally wear them anywhere.
Reply:dark wash skinny jeans a red tight shirt, and a white cammie underneath. also for the acceessories, a long necklace and a purse
Reply:Ew. I wouldnt wear them with anything.
Reply:in the rain??
Reply:over-the-knee socks and a cute skirt or dress and a trench coat in a bright color (like yellow). you should check out, they have tons if ideas.
Reply:wait for a rainy day (obviously) and wear a matching umbrella with a solid color shirt and skinny jeans to tuck into them.
Reply:bright colored skinny jeans and a bland white or cream...
Reply:If they have different colors on the boots, say, like blue and pink, wear blue jeans and a pink shirt.
Reply:Skinny jeans and a pretty top that matches the polka dots!

Or denim shorts instead of skinny jeans. Maybe a headband?
Reply:Nothing, you shouldn't wear them at all.
Reply:oh i love polka dot rainboots!

i would pair them with really cute mismatching prints!
Reply:a dress
Reply:I would wear skinny jeans and if the pokadots are white then where a white what ever color the dots are where that color shirt!
Reply:wear them when it rains.

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