Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dancing in the rain?

Poke-a-dotted Umbrellas.

Walking down the street

in the rain.

Your poke-a-dotted umbrella

sheltering your head.

You watch the tear-sized

raindrops fall of your umbrella.

Squash, squash,

go your blue rain boots.

You jump in rain-filled puddles.

Laughing and spinning

your umbrella in the rain.

Your poke-a-dotted umbrella,

sheltering you from the droplets

of rain.

Soon, the rain stops.

And a rainbow appears over your head.

You spin and look up at the rainbow

in amazement.

The sun moving from behind the fluffy,

no longer gray clouds.

Squash, Squash

go your blue rain boots in the remaining puddles....

I wrote it myself, thank you very much! :D

Dancing in the rain?
Very Good! I'd put it in the first person though, or leave the subject understood (drop the "you" entirely everywhere it's found as well as "your") everyone know boots and umbrellas have people attached. Also explore more sounds than Squash, Squash. Polka-dotted, not Poke-a-dotted. Splish! Splash! Squish! Drip, plink, tinkle. I liked the ambiguity of tear-sized drops, verging on an emotion that's changeable.

cat skin problem

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