Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What are cute shoes to wear in the rain?

I was just about to leave to go shopping, and of course, it started puring down rain. I was planning on wearing sandals, but really don't have any spring/summer type shoes for the rain. What does everyone else use? I saw some cute rainboots on a website, but am not so sure I want a boot.

What are cute shoes to wear in the rain?
i love wellies from j may not want to spend that much on rain boot but i think it is worth it...oh and a lot of people just wear crocks in rainy weather
Reply:I wear mary janes when it rains.

That rhymed. O_O
Reply:Here are some shoes that would work:
Reply:rubber boots!!!
Reply:it's only water. i just wear what i'm wearing. which depends on my clothes.
Reply:rain boots?

idk. but. i wear flip flops every day. no matter the weather
Reply:rainboots are adorable and you feel cute in em!
Reply:Well if you don't want a boot, you'll just have to get your feet wet


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