Sunday, October 11, 2009

Car under rusty drain?

my Car port is horrible to say the least, and when it rains most of the water comes out a rusty hole in the drain straight onto the boot/trunk.

because the water is passing through a rusty hole, does it increase my cars chances of getting rusty faster?

I just bought this car, i'd like it to last a bit

Car under rusty drain?
The fact that the water is hitting the same spot everytime is what is gonna increase the chance for external rust. I would suggest throwing a diverter of some sort up there to keep it off the vehicle. Or you could run to your local parts store and pick up some "Quik Steel" and patch that hole. quick steel is great. Its water proof and lasts forever.
Reply:yes it can ,small pieces of rusty metal from the drain will stick to your car and make it rust. make sure you keep a good coat of wax on it also wax inside all your door jambs and and trunk and you shouldnt have a problem-----fix the drain


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