Sunday, October 11, 2009

What right do people have to park in designated spaces?

Grrr...I was so annoyed I was driving round and round the supermarket car park looking for a space, I have a small baby in the car and a pram in the boot, I see a parent and child space and some middle aged woman infront of me with no child in sight steals the space, I bet half the people parked in disabled and parent and child spots do not have the right. Can you get fined for parking, can you report it to anyone? or is it just a courtesy thing, like leave these spaces if you can but if theres no other then just park? Also I feel disabled spaces are more strict as everyone can see their badges etc, people with small children should have something like that too, apart from a baby on board sign - I just dont see how I should park miles away from the supermarket door, and if its raining my baby has to get wet! What do you think?

What right do people have to park in designated spaces?
It's a tricky one...I never did park in the parents with children spaces even when my kids were babies, for pretty much the same reason that the chick above outlined...I was young and healthy and enjoyed the walk...(even in the torrential rain of Darwin, those plastic pram covers are miraculous!)

However I appreciate that shopping at the best of times can be stressful, so it is a nice idea to give spaces closer to the shops, especially if you have a few little ones to try to wrangle through the car park. I think the people who park in those spaces have that same aggressive "why do they deserve special spaces" attitude as shown above, it's their own personal passive aggressive protest.
Reply:As a badge driver i would notice it more than most and thats a car parks in the disabled bay the driver puts up the badge gets out the car and takes of like he's in the 1000 metre/ perhaps its GRANS card but if she's not in the car then he is committing a crime with Gran losing her card and he or her 3 points and £60/80 fine//keep your eyes peeled wardens
Reply:I have always respected the handicapped spaces because that is courtesy and it is also illegal to park in those spots with out a sticker. Now, there are not any mommy and baby spots in my area, but I feel that people don't respect the mommy and baby spaces.
Reply:That annoys me too when I see someone getting out of the car and they are in the wring space, there are other people, such as the elderly or parents like you who need that space more than them! It's fustrating! And i'm not sure about the reporting thing; sorry!
Reply:Presumably with a small baby you are home all week,why not choose a time when the supermarket isn't so busy to do your shopping,or even,heaven forbid, leave the baby with hubby while you go alone.
Reply:make a note of the reg number and report the owner of the car to the manger of the super market.assume that this woman is elliterate.
Reply:People who park in spaces designated for disabled or parents and child,usually get wheel clamped.
Reply:"I just dont see how I should park miles away"

"Miles away" ??? You surely mean less than 100 meters.

If this is the most major problem in your life I think you are very lucky.

Reply:they are in wheelchairs...

write down the licenses # and call the cops

what makes you think they cant park there...look for the sticker that says handicapped in the windshield
Reply:park in designated spaces saves overcrowding a lot
Reply:to start with no one ask you to have A baby, or bring it with you , Gore up or stay at home , it's just anther part of Live!.
Reply:** I agree - people are very inconsiderate
Reply:While disabled spaces are for people with an actual difficulty and the misuse of disabled spaces can be policed to some extent, it annoys me when people with children think that they have a right to park closer to the shops!

YOU chose to have children, disabled people did not choose to be disabled.

Some supermarkets (in the UK at any rate) do enforce the misuse of all designated spaces, BUT what about elderly people?

Sometimes they arent disabled but slower than other people so they will get wet if it rains.

At least you can run with your baby, so get off your parental high horse, you are young and healthy and there are alot worse things in life than the slight possibility that you and your baby might get vaguely moist after you buy food.

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