Friday, November 6, 2009

Can guys wear these rain boots?

Can guys wear these rain boots?
do you really need to ask??????????????? post a pic of u wearing them please, you will brighten up millions of peoples day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:DONT you'll be the queerest man on the block, just because it's butberry it doesnt mean it's stylish
Reply:Sure, but I think someone will tease you.
Reply:I have those same rain boots. Guys could wear them but they would get some really bad insults.
Reply:Yes you can.
Reply:If you like them and can get a size that will fit a mans foot, then you CAN wear them, but if I were a guy I wouldn't unless i was shoveling muck and no one would say anything about them for fear of getting muck thrown at them!
Reply:i dont think its a good idea
Reply:yes its ok they look kind of girly but the curves look man like
Reply:not on a guy that is fine for a women but a guy please other guys would think you gay andd let me not get started in what a women would say****
Reply:they can but they will be teaased and made fun of i personaly would not wear them even as a girl...
Reply:Are you aiming for a feminine look? If so, fine wear them. Just for the record, rubber boots with prints like that are hideous on both men AND women.
Reply:yup, but be prepared for some pretty harsh insults
Reply:NO not even a girl would wear those
Reply:they cant do it with out being teased, but yes, men can wear rain boots.

p.s even i wouldn't wear that ugly boot!
Reply:no way, unless you want to be teased.
Reply:haha, not unless they are gay..

i didnt mean that as a...thing against gay people either. its just that most straight men wouldnt ever wear those.

mobility scooter

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