Friday, November 6, 2009

I really like these rain boots, what do you think?

I am a man, I just have small feet ( 7 womens)

I really like these rain boots, what do you think?
pink ones would look better on you
Reply:Egh, no I don't like them.
Reply:are you gay?
Reply:umm no offense but, umm, are u really a dude? Are u gay? those are ladies boots. I think they are cute tho
Reply:They are cute. But I would be too afraid of ruining them for that price! That is a LOT of money for rain boots. Go to like the dollar tree and get them.
Reply:And you have very feminine taste as well. Rainboots are not really a necessity unless you will be puddle-jumping. Even so, you don't need "rainboots", you can wear regular boots or waterproof sneakers. If you want to go for a fashion and gender statement, then these would probably be suitable for you. Otherwise, everyday life...not very practical, or comfortable, they have a basic shape to them, it doesn't look like they offer any kind of arch might as well wear flip-flops with some plastic bags to protect your ankles...they'd offer the same kind of support and protection, but cost about $130 less.
Reply:I'm sorry but this question is a bit disturbing
Reply:not for a man. sorry dude guys dont wear rain boots...... =(
Reply:I say no way, a man should not wear women's rain boots!!!!
Reply:The picture did not come up ..

why not try some Wellingtons (there is a picture on Wikipedia) ... and get some raingear to go with them ... if you can find dark green ones, get a rainslicker in some co-ordinating green, and wear a nice plaid scarf at the neck .... it all has a style of its own....

women wear Wellingtons.... it is a kind of chic to wear them, so don't feel that you have let yourself down...
Reply:You're also having us on.
Reply:umm... one word : yuck! They would be cute as Bermuda don't go there!
Reply:ummmmmmmmmm i think they are cute but not 4 a GUY noooo way 4 a guy unless u r gay but y? i like them but im a girl
Reply:dude. buy them

cause that would be hilarious!

who knows, maybe you'd start a new trend?

dog skin problem

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