Friday, November 6, 2009

I just order these rain boots. Tell me if they are okay for guys or not?

I just order these rain boots. Tell me if they are okay for guys or not?
You will look fantastic in them.
Reply:MY MY arent you funny

if you are serious then i suggest you get some help if your kidding about then maybe you need to get your chuckle chip re programmed as it sobviously malfunctioning!
Reply:They are super cute! But they arent for guys! :)
Reply:umm...NO! those would look just wrong on a guy!

you can send them to me though! lol!
Reply:Please do not where those rainboots if your a guy . Seriously, people might make some rude comments.
Reply:i would send those back if i were you
Reply:You should send them back. Not only are they hideous but also they should not be worn by any man.
Reply:i dont think they would be right for men they are to........girly. u should try some black ones i wear those kind i ave black ones witha green rim and there for guys


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