Friday, November 6, 2009

I like these rain boots, what do you think?

I am a man and I think they could be unisex

I like these rain boots, what do you think?
they are ugly i would not get them :-(
Reply:sorry to tell you this,but your link does not Work!
Reply:Your link doesn't work.
Reply:CUTE! I %26lt;3 them. i think you could wear them if you wore jeans over them. but they are a but pricey.
Reply:There sooo cute !!! i love them!!
Reply:they look cheap (i know they aren't, i'm saying they LOOK cheap) and i don't think they can be unisex...get them in a darker color.
Reply:i wouldnt wear them, but if your able to pull them off get them, one of my friends has something like that and they look great on her
Reply:no... if the site says it's for women, it's for women.


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