Friday, November 6, 2009

Where can i find yellow rain boots in toronto, Canada?

i have a pink pair, but i always wanted a yellow pair as well.

Where can i find yellow rain boots in toronto, Canada?
Try Eddie Bauer. There is a new one in the Eaton Center. I do know that they have blue (in the store by me) and haven't seen yellow but usually the catalog will carry more colors.
Reply:Try Sears, Wal-Mart or Yonge St.

Loads of wierd stores on Yonge St. that sell just about everything.

If you can't find it on Yonge, it probably isn't available.

Just a quick thought though. Look out the window, it's snowing with 15 cm's coming. Might want yellow snow boots instead..LOL
Reply:just to let you know the cost around 40 - 60 bucks
Reply:Ebay is your answer. Does not matter where you live.. shopping is easy and fun


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