Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Boots permanent straightening system, any good?

I am considering buying this and giving it a go. However I am getting married in February, so I want to know if it seriously damages hair, or if it's alright to use. I have curly hair, but its moisturised and not frizzy unless I am out in the rain for ages and come inside. It can be straightened pretty easily, I am quite lucky (with straighteners). Can anyone tell me if the Boots stuff works?

Boots permanent straightening system, any good?
It's unlikely that any product will straighten curly hair long term.

If you want your hair to feel silky smooth and well nourished then you have to try FAST (Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy). It provides the optimum ingredients for healthy hair growth.
Reply:I know what you mean. I find my hair dries out so quickly using the straighteners (although I do tend to use them every day during the week, %26amp; try to avoid them at weekends). I saw the Boots system the other day and am very tempted, so very interested in watching the answers on here.

There's some (possibly) useful info on
Reply:best to spend that extra bit and get sth reliable! ur hair is sth that u cant really cover up!
Reply:no its rubbish it dried my friends hair out so much it was snapping. she had to have her hair cut really short.

go to a salon pay the money and get it done properly and book weekly aftercare like deep conditioning treatments, coz you will need it.
Reply:I really wouldn't trust it. Generic brands or 'store's own' brands are usually horrible, so it's best not to take your chances, you may ruin your hair!
Reply:I wouldnt use something like that so close to the wedding, stick with the straighteners.
Reply:Honestly I would not chance any hair process so close to your wedding date. I use to use the loreal home straightening and it did nothing but take a lot of time to do with no results. If you can straighten your hair using a straightener then do so. If you want your hair a little less curly try the relaxing process after the wedding. This process mositurizes your hair and controls the curls. Please don't get the permanent straightening process, I had it done and I hate it. I miss my curls. So leave well enough alone and enjoy your wedding day. Congrats.


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