Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can you get ugg boots wet??

Can i wear my ugg boots in the rain. Anyone know please!

Can you get ugg boots wet??
yes, they will look kinda weird and messed up and it might scare you, but don't worry, they will dry and be fine. you shouldnt do it too often though and not in that heavy rain. also get the cleaning spray for ugg, it works well. good luck!
Reply:you can get a special waterproofing spray (i got the "totes" brand from shoe department) for suede shoes. Hope that helps = - )
Reply:u shouldn't. my sister has some and the soak right through!
Reply:No, you should not get your boots muddy or wet !!
Reply:use a water proofer for suede. works really well and can buy at practically anywhere that sells shoes.
Reply:I have a special spray to protect mine.

Reply:if you can wash em you can get them wet

I wore mine in the winter and it was snowing/raining they kept my toes warm %26amp; they also they dont get flooded with water.

its just splats thens dries.
Reply:Use All protector spray if you really have to wear those UGGly things. Bloody awful creation.
Reply:Give them a waterproofing treatment first...i bought mine last week and i did that immediately..i recomend the waterproofing stuff that they sell anywhere that they sell uggs it will say Ugg austrailia with things like cleaener and they will have one that says for waterproofing!

Reply:YES you can! You can even wash them with mild soap if you want! But they're great - they don't easily get dirty, if you get mud on them, then just let it dry and it will brush off. I've had mine for three years, I've worn them in the rain, snow, slush (and mud) - they still look like new.
Reply:not unless you want some messed up boots.

Deffinately not a good idea.


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