Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Waterproof spray for ugg boots?

So I bouht a pair og ugg boots yesterday from Payless. (hey, im not rich)

and I love them so much! So I looked them up on yahoo answers just to see what people say about them and I saw something about waterproof spray for ugg boots if they arent waterproof already and they will last longer.

Since its raining season here, where and how much can I get this waterproof spray for my ugg boots that will not ruin them?

Waterproof spray for ugg boots?
im not sure how much it would be, but try looking at a shoe supply store, or back at a payless to see if they have any.

hope i helped!

Reply:I would still try and avoid wearing them in the rain/wet.. If your ugg boots are made from genuine sheepskin leather it will stretch badly if they're wet.. If they do get wet just leave them in a dry place to dry.. Never machine wash them or put them in the dryer.. If you're looking for a cleaning product check out the sources below
Reply:go to ***** sporting goods and they have lots of different brands

military loans

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