Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Should I wear boots..?

Should I wear boots this time of year?

the day I'm planning to wear them, I will be going to Southampton and the temperature...will be about, 67 for the high and the low will be 53..

But I will be traveling from London to Southampton...and it will be raining in london.

Should I wear them?

Thanks in advance♥

Should I wear boots..?
no matter what the weather if you look good in them wear them

regards x kitti x
Reply:Why not, plenty of people wear boots this time of year.
Reply:boots are so in..

love it so much.
Reply:yes wear them. Lots of people are still wearing boots at this time of year
Reply:Well of course!

Even if the weather might change,take some tennies

or some flip flops in case you may not want to wear

boots the whole time. But I would totally wear them.


Have fun!

boots are always good.

with warm weather id wear like tall zip up boots maybe some tan or leather:))
Reply:I'd wear boots! maybe if your worried take another pair of shoes as well but boots always look good!
Reply:wooo im from southampton!!!southamptons not very hot most of the time so its fine to wear boots but id advise bringing pumps in your bag also it depends what your doing cus like if your shopping in town at west quay and stuff you might get a bit hot but if your just going to visit someone(in which case you can take your shoes off anyway)you probs wont need that pair of pumps anywho good luck


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