Wednesday, March 17, 2010

High heeled stiletto Boots with metal heels?

I have just bought a fab pair of boots. They are stilletto heel and knee high.

On the sole the actual heel is metal caped I guess so it lasts longer and doesnt wear down like some boots do.

However the soles are quite slippery to wear. I dont know if its because of the metal or what? Who knows. As I was thinking of maybe taking them to be re heeled in something else to give more grip. I dont want to fall flat on my face when im out and its raining etc!

High heeled stiletto Boots with metal heels?
Prince and his dancers put a little patch of sand paper on the bottom of their shoes at the Super Bowl....and nobody slipped and fell!!!! :D ...they actually sell something thats made for shoes that is like sand paper at drugstores like CVS if u dont want to use the real deal....hope this helps!
Reply:hehe...I think those were made for strippers. I have some of those and I don't ever wear them.
Reply:uhh. wow ! o to the shoe shop that specializes in cleaing shoes, fixing them, etc and they`ll do it for you.


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