Sunday, March 14, 2010

Which Burberry Rain Boot looks best?

I like the classic look the best. My boyfriend said he liked the pink ones better. I was like, "What the hell are you talking about? The pink ones are ugly and the classic pattern is SO much better. It's more fashionable and, well, better," ANYTHING that's classic looks better and is cooler isn't it? I assume he wants me to get them because they're more "girly". Ugh, he's so bias it's annoying, but that's a different story hahaa

Anyway! What do you guys think? Pink or the classic look?

Here are links for examples:

Pink -

Classic -

Which Burberry Rain Boot looks best?
Both are adorable, but I agree with you on the classic nova check-- it's more timeless and chic :) I'm sure they'll look great!!
Reply:i would go with the classic

your bf obviously does not no fashion.

the pink ones are not girly there ugly

i mean really your wearing them, you know fashion.

if he likes them so much HE should get THEM

Reply:Well, personally, I like the pink ones better! lol
Reply:Definitely classic. I could recognize those shoes anywhere!
Reply:Classic, they go with everything. And ofcourse I have some myself
Reply:Pink all the way.
Reply:i like the classic much more them the pink. the pink looks

kinda fake.
Reply:Classic, I wanna get some, their only 170$, I expected them to be like 1000. lol. (:

Good Luck.
Reply:Classic. The pink looks a little unnatural

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