Friday, March 12, 2010

Can Ugg Boots get damaged in the rain/snow? if so, how can i protect them from it?

yes they do the color faids and it looks bad theyll give you a spray or ask if they have any

Can Ugg Boots get damaged in the rain/snow? if so, how can i protect them from it?
Well, mine aren't real and they aren't water proof but the real ones might be okay? Not sure sorry
Reply:Yes if you have the ones that are suede in the rain/snow, just got to payless or Target and they will help you choose one to protect oit from the weather; it also depends on the color
Reply:There is a water repellant that you can spray on to keep water damage to a minimal. I wouldn't advise going in the snow, it rouines the color and the boot. if you do it once or twice it should be ok with the water repellant but i wouldn't reccoment playing in the snow with them.
Reply:yes they can. dont go out in the rain or snow with them.


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