Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Which rainboot looks the best?

As mnay of you know, spring is on its way...ITS MARCH NOW!! LOL

I have decided to purchase some rainboots fo rthe rain, and maybe some snow. Howver, i am torn between these three cute pairs at Target

Mod Dot:

Dots Spot:

Citrus City:

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM ALL! Please choose which one you prefer and why!


Which rainboot looks the best?
citrus city.

who else has fruits on their rainboots? lol
Reply:I like the first ones, but I LOVE the last ones. They are cute :)
Reply:best of all: Citris City

second best of all: Mod Dot

but the Dots Spot is really too busy!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!! :)
Reply:They're all cute, but the first ones can be worn year round. The other two are more for spring.
Reply:they are all discusting


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