Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Boots with shorts?

I think shorts with boots look really cute. I bought a pair of black sugar boots and they are very casual. They kinda look like rain boots. Do you think they would look cute with short denim shorts?

They look like these but all black.

Give me some advice!!

Boots with shorts?
No matter what you wear with those boots nothing will look cute.
Reply:if your going for a cowgirl look....sure. i would never do it.

would love to go with that look but havent found my boot yet.
Reply:omg yes! they are so cute for the summer. (and rainy weather) I wouldn't reccomend wearing them to the beach though. I personally like the patterned ones. If you wore a brown peacoat or trenchcoat you would probably want to go out in the rain to show off your clothes. I like it.. You can wear them in fall and spring too.
Reply:cute soo cuute go 4 it
Reply:Yeah if you don't mind looking like a hick. I would say either do leggings, a skirt, or skinny jeans.

Reply:no way girlfriend! not with shorts! haha. they're cute boots but wait until winter to wear them.
Reply:If you like them together, wear them. I would wear it if I didn't have anything to wear, but it matters if you like them. I think I would wear boots with shorts though.
Reply:You're kidding, right? Those boots are UGLY! I'd laugh myself to death if I actually saw that outfit. The only appropriate boots to wear with shorts are cowboy boots.

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