Sunday, March 14, 2010

Would you wear yellow rubber boots if it were raining?

PARKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would you wear yellow rubber boots if it were raining?
if thats all i had to wear to keep myself dry
Reply:Heck Naw! Those things are hideous!
Reply:Nope, I wouldn't!
Reply:no, maybe after it rains.....wouldnt the water get in through the top?
Reply:Aaawww! I always wanted yellow rainboots - what made you think of this?
Reply:Probably not but only because I wear them all day for work.
Reply:Of course!! They would look darling!
Reply:Nope. I go barefoot regardless of weather. Better for your feet that way. Rubber boots would keep my feet from experiencing the natural wonders of water and mud. They'd also make my feet sweaty, which would then make my feet and the boots into wonderful breeding ground for all manner of nasty things to grow. Ew.
Reply:yeah..i hate to get muddy
Reply:umm hel l no eww can u say ugly
Reply:No way!

Yellow isn't my color! ;0)
Reply:Yes, if I needed to go out and needed rain boots. Why not?????
Reply:No...i dont have any!!!
Reply:Not yellow ones, but that's me.
Reply:No, but I would buy cute ones in a different, fun pattern!
Reply:no, combat boots work so much better
Reply:yeah, they're cute and stylish, not to mention they keep you dry!
Reply:Not really
Reply:Well of course.....I don't want to get my birkenstocks all wet.


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