Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do you wear wellie boots when it isn't raining?

Well, yeah, why wouldnt you. My most favourite footwear. I wore them (blue ones with red soles) to the art gallery with a mini skirt when I was young, I was such a fun dresser back then, but I live in a small country town now and you just cant do that sort of thing, but I do.

Do you wear wellie boots when it isn't raining?
what are wellie boots? i only wear tennis shoes or sandals when it's not raining, and i don't wear any type of boots when it is raining... i feel too ugly and self conscience in them.
Reply:this is your third question...oh correction...third COMPLETELY USELESS quetion....
Reply:No. I don't even wear them when it IS raining.
Reply:i love wellie boots and would wear them in summer if i could!

dog skin problem

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