Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Shud i wear these boots?

its suppose to be raining tomorrow and i wanted to wear my brown pointy toe heel boots. should i wear them?

Shud i wear these boots?
if you don't mind the risk of falling and breaking something
Reply:sounds nice. make sure they are waterproof though unless u want to mess up ur boots!
Reply:of course no matter what u look nice with that boots
Reply:probably not the best idea.
Reply:YOU GO GIRL.....

Reply:No, you shouldn't. Heels aren't good in the rain... you might slip and hit your head, and then you'd spell even worse than you do now.
Reply:wear what u want... the weatherman is rarely ever right anyway... but just to be on the safe side of things... carry an extra pair of shoes so ur covered either way... cheers
Reply:hell yea,they sound gorgeous

hope that helped[;

Reply:it don't matter what you wear tommorow its gonna look good.


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