Friday, March 12, 2010

I wear same size shoes as my wife(7 womens), is it cool for me to wear her Burberry rain boots?

Uh, no.

I wear same size shoes as my wife(7 womens), is it cool for me to wear her Burberry rain boots?
no, what is wrong with you? I would be yelling at you for touching them! You're not supposed to wear her stuff but only in emerges like a fire
Reply:Yes as long as you wear it with something neutral and subtle. I think it would be very stylish!
Reply:Why don't you get your own Burberry rain boots? What if she wants to wear them at the same time?
Reply:Umm I would say NO, as to the fact that her boots are WOMENS boots.. but good luck with that.
Reply:no, r u gay??
Reply:Ummm I don't know, maybe in the shower.
Reply:ew no
Reply:Size 7 shoes? I feel sorry for your lady since they say, there is a correlation to the size of the feet and the size of the meat. Poor lady. Yes wear the damn boots by all means. Maybe it will cause her to get a new man.
Reply:Not cool . Get your own. *-*
Reply:A 7 women's is about a 4.5 man's. I've never seen a male with that small of feet. But hey, if you get off wearing wifey's stuff and she's okay with it -- so be it.
Reply:Sure, try on her bra and panties also
Reply:Uh No! Maybe if you are atru metro sexual and are really comfortable with that, but I dont know how your wife will take it.
Reply:Honey no offence but you are one wierdd freak.... Get your own rain boots.... mens boots.... geez and by the way it isnt #%@$ cool ok?
Reply:just ask her....
Reply:7 in mens is still bigger than a 7 in womens
Reply:What, are you a midget or something?


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