Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Are rain boots safe for the snow?

I'm going to the snow next month for a little relaxing vacation and I have a pair of rain boots... those cutsie ones... and I'm wondering... are they safe in the snow? Does the rubber make it slippery?

Are rain boots safe for the snow?
my dad wore rain boots out in the snow for about an hour or two a few winters ago and got some minor frost bite on his toes. they are deffinantly not warm. so if your only going to be in the cold for a little bit and ware warm socks it should be ok. but not for any prolonged time.
Reply:They are safe and snow, and they will keep your feet dry, however since they are made for rain, they will not be that warm.
Reply:The rubber does make them slippery, very, very slippery. They are probably not safe in the snow because of the tread design (or lack of) on the soles. Also most snow near a ski lodge will be packed down from other guests walking their boots. Try a used equipment shop, for a pair of snowboard boots in your size. They are warm, good traction, fairly waterproof, and easy to walk about. No need to go snowboarding, but their boots are easier to walk in than ski boots.


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