Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rain Boots? Help!?

Okay so it has been raining by me for the past couple of days and i am craving a cute pair of rain boots. I want something different but cute, and will hopefully look good with almost anything. I have been looking online but nothing really catches my eye. Can you please find me a cute pair , make sure you put a link. If you find ones i like ill give you 10pts. Thanks SOO much!

Rain Boots? Help!?
I don't have a link but Target has tons of rain boots. They are so cute. Just google target rainboots and hundreds will appear.
Reply:well i dont know if you have a budget, if you dont try these


if you have a budget:

or any of the target ones.


hope i helped!
Reply:I've been wanting a pair of Burberry rain boots for a while.
Reply:Rain Boots?

You have the internet don't you?

Look it up. HONEST.
Reply:cute and not super expensive

skin disease

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