Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rubber Rain Boots in New York City?

Hi, I'd like to buy some not too expensive rubber rain boots (wellies), preferably under $30. Also, I'm looking for a feminine cut, maybe a slim calf or kind of pointed toe. And I'm from Brooklyn, so preferably somewhere from Manhattan or Brooklyn. Thanks!

Rubber Rain Boots in New York City?

a quickie for you.

Just go online,

go to one of your favorite

stores and search for them

that way. YOu can always

demand next day/3-day shipping.

So good luck. There are a lot of cool rain-boots

out there, in big/small dept. for cheap (Target, Macy's, Old Navy,,

-aka Fashion Designer
Reply:i bought some rubber rain boots. they are pink with a kitty face on the toe part. really cute. but check out target or i got mine on ebay for like $30. they have really cute ones on ebay. they are awesome cause you can just run through puddles and stuff and nothing will be wet!

office chair

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