Saturday, October 24, 2009

I have pink rubber rain boots with pastel stripes. Is it OK to wear them with a knee length skirt?

The skirt is casual, and it´s raining here this week.

The boots are like this, but not this...

I have pink rubber rain boots with pastel stripes. Is it OK to wear them with a knee length skirt?
It's completely do-able with a nice denim knee length skirt...or something like that. Go for it.
Reply:It depends on weather the colors clash...

I like solid colors better, but that is just me.

So, yah, go for it! The more Rubber the better!
Reply:yes! they're adorable! if i were you i would change into something for wearing around work, but for the weekend theyre perfect!
Reply:I don't think it would look good because of the stripes.
Reply:As long as it's raining. Cute.
Reply:They look really colourful and fun. I think they would look fine with a casual knee length skirt, I wouldn't recommend them for formal though!
Reply:sounds like a good combination

( just dont tell my girlfriend ) she loves pink things and i cannot afford new boots right now

all the best

Ian :)
Reply:I dont see why not.. they are cute!

car makes

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