Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What do you think of colorful, patterned rain boots?

i want to buy a pair of rain boots for rainy days and personally i like the cute patterned ones. there are some from

i think that the citrus city rain, allison floral, and retro floral rain boots in green are cute. What do you think? :]

What do you think of colorful, patterned rain boots?
I love the patterns and all the different styles. They'll keep your feet dry, and you'll look cute at the same time.
Reply:i think there pretty darn cute
Reply:i think some people can pull them off and it depends what you wear with them = )
Reply:I think they are really cute too!

I want a pair :)
Reply:I love them!! Wear them with confidence. I even saw a girl wearing them without rain. She had a hooded sweatshirt and a mini skirt with the colored boots. She looked really cool! Good luck!
Reply:those are really cute
Reply:i think they are very ugly. and look extremely cheap
Reply:It depends on the outfit. Wear what you want to wear. If you change your mind i would go with just the plain black rain boots. Plus, you can wear them with anything!
Reply:I think they're absolutely adorable! J crew also has some really cute pairs. Just make sure they don't look too young.
Reply:i think they are pretty damn ugly


sorry but thats my opinion..!

i dont think they should be worn in public..

or in private..
Reply:i like the cherry print ones!!! cute :)
Reply:They are fab-u-lous, bright colours are best, they brighten up a rainy day!


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