Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rain boots?

i love my rainboots they look like knockoff burberry rainboots and they're gray.

i'm a sophomore in high school and i was wondering if wearing them to school would be okay becuase i've never seen anybody else wear them.

Rain boots?
definenalty wear then, be bold and who knows, maybe youll start a new trend
Reply:can you post a picture of your boots? i would love to see them! i have been looking for plaid rainboots, but the costco closest to me isn't that close :( .. so i would want to see them before taking the trip! Report It

Reply:yeah do it but brin nother pair of shoes just in case i always wanted burberry rain boots i know u said theyre knock off where did u get them?
Reply:I say you should wear them for the following reasons.

1. You like them.

2. No one else wears them there.

3. Rainboots are so friggin' adorable.

4. I said so. :P
Reply:Yes wear them to school - but only if it is raining!
Reply:Ofcourse you should wear them, I have a pair of Burberry rain boots and love them.
Reply:proll not, but if u lke them wear them!
Reply:omg a girl at my school wore giraffe print rainboots from urban outfitters!

they were awsome, i would say wear with skinny jeans or just leggings (not skirt required) just a longish shirt
Reply:yeah be unique!

start a new trend

develop skin cancer

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