Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is it weird to wear rain boots when it's not raining?

I saw this funky rain boots at target and i thought they could be really cute to wear but it never rains where I live...would it be totally unfashionable to wear them when it's not raining?

Is it weird to wear rain boots when it's not raining?
Go ahead and wear them. Everyone is different. n
Reply:it depends on ur style... if ur original, daring and dont care what people say....get the, buy them, wear them.....
Reply:Get them and wear them in the shower. Invite friends so they can see your new boots.
Reply:buy them! this would be such a unique look for u. maybe u can even start a trend! with convesre all stars and all those popular shoe brands, u will look unique compared to them.
Reply:someone must be doing some thinking here,where you live they sell rain boots, and it never rains where you live, maybe someone has seen you coming, hmmmm, rain boots and no rain, not a drop anywhere, i guess it would not be totally unfashionable, you might get penalized by the fashion police, or even accused of wearing you know whats in a place where it doesn't do you know what, sounds risky, you would be taking a chance, but i think you can risk it good luck i will be asking all my friends and neighbors to do their latest rain dance
Reply:lol, why not? if you think they are cute, buy them|!=)
Reply:Yes it is. Things were made for a purpose. Rain boots are made for rain so why do you want to wear it during sunny day?
Reply:I wear what I feel like and that's that, you shouldn't worry whether anyone else thinks it's silly, I think they're cute too, and they keep your feet nice and cosy anyway!
Reply:I wear mine to regardless if it's raining or not. If youre talking about the stripped ones from Target I have the same ones and absoultely love them.
Reply:If there cute then heck yes..... Just cause it doesnt rain in Texas doesnt stop us from buying rainboots
Reply:I wear them sometimes. It really depends on what boots. You can wear jeans and make only the tip of the boot show... o.O I dunno, really. xD
Reply:Normally I would say yes, but these days it does not matter. Like people were snow boots when it is not snowing. I say where what you like and who cares what other people think. I almost guarantee that someone will be wearing the same thing soon!!


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