Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is rainwear a good fashion to wear to High school. Even the yellow rain boots.?

Cuz i love wearing a rainsuit to everywhere but i haven't try to wear it in school yet cuz i am to scared of people might say.

The yellow rain pants look like overalls

Is rainwear a good fashion to wear to High school. Even the yellow rain boots.?
sorry no.......don't try it because people will look at u weird...if you like wearing a rainsuit just the coat please and a different color than yellow........
Reply:i'm not even in high school yet,and i know rainwear fashion and yellow rain boots are a major fashion don't...and overalls are fine but it depends on the style and how you wear them.long and baggy,i don't think so.i peronally like the short kind of overalls.
Reply:Don't fart in them. It can only escape through the hood, and people will think you have bad breath.
Reply:Only if it's raining.

Otherwise, it looks silly.
Reply:ewww no! but be glad u asked the world before you went to school!
Reply:uh no are you krazy........sorry to be mean but come on
Reply:What the hell is wrong with you? (in a totally good way) Yea, if you wanna be the laughing stock.....good luck though

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