Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is yellow rain boots go good with jeans?

I guess it depends on what color the jeans are. Dark blue and black go with just about anything.

Is yellow rain boots go good with jeans?
some rain boots do. yellow ones look too rain boot-ish. you can find cuter modern ones that will look good with jeans, but yellow rain boots with jeans.... NO
Reply:If it is raining i guess.

omg im so glad you asked before you actually did it

no! unless u wan to be phua chu kang
Reply:No...yellow rain boots dont go with anything unless you are a fireman....or a hillbilly...
Reply:Sounds good to me. I wear red and yellow shoes.
Reply:yeah! why not
Reply:It really depends on what the boots look like. It can be really cute, but it could be ugly. I'd have to see the boots.
Reply:NOOOO! first of all, yellow doesn't go with anything and second, rain boots are soo out!
Reply:Yes, it looks great.

I wear that all the time


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