Saturday, October 24, 2009

I really like these rain boots .....i think they are so awesome?

and yes i wear rainboots year round. maybe ima get them!!opinions?

I really like these rain boots .....i think they are so awesome?
They are absolutely adorable...for a wet place. If you live in Seattle or something they'd be //perfect//. If you like in Texas...ehhh not to bright of an idea. But yes I think they are pretty cute :) you live in a wet climate? You'd sweat like a dog in the south in those things. We live in flip flops most of the year.
Reply:fun wellies!...classic.
Reply:I love them.I have a pait of crocs rainboots and a pair of polka dot ones.
Reply:cute, i used to wear rain boots all the time as a little kid, they are so comfortable, and easy to put on!

and those are really fun colors
Reply:BUY THEM...set your own styl...don't care whay other people think about them
Reply:I would wear them, go for it
Reply:um. how old are you? if your liek teen to adult i suggest not to get those kind of boots. not tryin to be rude but those boots look like they're for kids.
Reply:lol, they are so cute! I want som either stripe of polka dot ones! haha lol.
Reply:AWW! I love them!

I have some poka dot ones from Target!
Reply:they're so sweet!!


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